We recently discovered a new show called The Fabulous Beekman Boys on Planet Green and quickly fell in love with it! The show is based around the recently renovated Beekman Mansion/Farm in Sharon Springs, NY and two Manhattan city boys, Brent and Josh, who move into the mansion and learn how to manage their new farm life. Brent was the former vice president of Martha Stewart Healthy Living and Josh is a New York Times best selling author. Together they represent their brand Beekman 1802 in which they create all things from resources raised on the farm such as their famous 1802 BLAAK artisanal semi-hard goat cheese, BLAAK Onion Jam ( a perfect compliment to their cheese ) and hand crafted soaps made for every month of the year.
Here are some pictures our Beekman goodies!
The beautifully packaged BLAAK wheel of cheese.
Our wheel of cheese exposed! According to their website, the cheese is coated with ash to promote the ripening of the wheel resulting in an edible black rind that gives the cheese it's name!
Our first taste of the delicious BLAAK cheese with onion jam!
(I'm literally eating this right now as I type, AMAZING combination!)
Our soap which was hand crafted by Brent for the month of September.

A photograph of the Beekman Mansion.
To experience the Beekman 1802 BLAAK cheese, jam, and soap for yourself, visit:
We are looking forward to the second season of The Fabulous Beekman Boys on Planet Green!
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